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Any other "Book 🐛 Worms" out there?!?!

Any other "Book 🐛 Worms" out there?!?!

I've had a love for reading since I was a very young child!!!

I believe part of that was just a part of "Me" and also partly growing up watching my step mom CONSTANTLY reading a book!

She would read while getting ready for work, cooking, eating, driving (seriously!).

She would read a book-a-day!!

I'm pretty sure her mind was subconsciously ready while sleeping!! 😴💤

Whether you love getting completely lost in a romance novel, enthralled in a great mystery, or taken away into another time in some amazing adventure...

Reading has SO many benefits beyond just the entertainment or passing of your time, while relaxing!

Just a few of the other Important-Benefits Everyone gets from reading are a better imagination, improved memory, helps your communication skills, builds vocabulary, improvement of your ability to focus and concentrate better, it's free or at least cheap(er) education! 🎓

And let's just be honest, reading makes you Smarter!

Reading not just books, but any kind of literature, really!

I've come to love non-fiction (boring to some, I know!), self-help books, educational, pretty much any topic I find I want to learn about...

I READ About!!

Do you have Your Summer-Reading List yet? Or ANY book picked out to read this summer?

Looking for any ideas for a good book to read?

Check out my "Books Worth Reading" List, I've recently started! I'll be adding more of my suggestions overtime!

Check out what I've started Here:

Also, check out this Great article from Huffington Post from the book: Why I Read: The Serious Pleasure of Books -- written by: Wendy Lesser

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