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Read My
STOP Counting Calories!
I've never been into calorie counting and since becoming a Certified Health and Wellness Coach... I also would never personally recommend...
Spring-Clean Your Diet
Spring is in the air! Spring cleaning is not just for your home! It's a great time to clean up your diet and begin to get back on track...
The link between Your Gut-Health and Your Mood!
Let's discuss one of my favorite topics again! GUT Health!!! When I started learning about Gut Health several years ago and paying...
Loneliness... A Problem of Epidemic Proportions.
I'm sure you've had the "feeling" of loneliness or being lonely in your life a time or two. I think we all have, it's normal from time to...
5 Simple Self-Care Ideas for You to Get Started Today!
We ALL can become overly busy, living a kinda chaotic life at times with SO much going on! Whether that be in our own lives with our day...
Final Day to Sign Up!
Today is the last day to sign up for my... Free 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge! We begin tomorrow! It's completely FREE! Be sure to sign...
Be sure to Sign Up Today!
Be sure to sign up below for my upcoming FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge! Starting Monday, March 5th, 2018! Sign up today!...
You're Invited!
I'm excited to announce that I'm starting another FREE 7-Day Healthy Habits Challenge! Be sure to sign up today! It's FREE! I'm also...
As heart disease remains the number 1 cause of death in the US...
As heart disease remains the number 1 cause of death in the US... And February being the month of "Love", I'd like to remind everyone the...
Be sure to Sign Up!!
#YoureInvited #StayingHealthy #FreeChallenge
Are You consuming too much SUGAR?
Let’s put the message on the new “Sugar-Tax” we’ve been imposed with here in WA aside and just concentrate on the "health message" of...
Healthy Soils... Healthy YOU?
Read this great information regarding the importance of the nutrients in our soils! As a gardener and one whom loves to grow my own food...
Are you getting Your necessary nutrients?
Are you getting all of your necessary nutrients that help keep you healthy? With so much fake and processed food, it can be tough these...
Gift a House Plant this Holiday Season!
The holiday season is upon us! Coming up with a unique holiday gift can be tough! Give the gift of a House Plant this year! There are...
Running out of Healthy Lunch Ideas?
#HealthyHabits #StayingHealthy #Recipes #Lunch
The Big "C"...
The Big "C"... We sadly all seem these days to have to experience, whether directly or indirectly with someone we love dearly or are...
Gut Health and Your Metabolism...
I've said it before and I'll say it again... Your Gut Health is SO vital to your overall health! This article explains how it can affect...

Lemon-Ginger & Honey Throat-Tonic Tea
Recipe Lemon-Ginger & Honey Throat-Tonic Tea Ingredients · Water · Lemon (sliced) · Fresh Ginger (sliced or small chunks) · Honey...

Coming Soon!
Hi Everyone! I wanted to let you know that I’m working on something truly AWESOME for all of you! Keep an eye out for my upcoming post...
Read this article to learn... 16 Natural Ways to Relieve Your Feelings of Anxiety!
#StayingHealthy #Anxiety
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